Welcome to Dazed Productions, the personal site of Jim Stewart. The site is split into 3 distinct sites:


This site was primarily used 2008-12 for my semi-pro event photography business and a way of sharing event photos.

The webpages remains virtually untouched, as a glimpse into the heyday of London clubbing, days of the End and Aka, The Cross, Bagley’s/Canvas, The Key, The Coronet, Turnmills, Cable, Sosho, Public Life, all now relegated to the history books, shutdown, burnt down or knocked down. It was a privilege to have shot them.

The business came to an abrupt stop when one of my day job projects completely consumed my life for a year.

Originally started via the tillate/Dontstayin route, more focused on photos of punters for punters but moved to working for events and clubs which suited my more candid style of shooting.


The Dazed Productions site started many moons ago in 2002 as a way of sharing bike videos. These can be found in this section of the site, along with a summary of my bikes over the years. The original site is long since gone but these pages host some of that content.

Van Blog

In 2018, probably as part of a mid life crisis, I bought my first 4-wheeled vehicle, Vanity, a 1995, LHD, LWB VW T4 camper. Being over 20 years old, slightly neglected, there was a lot that I wanted to do to it when I got it. Being an American conversion, with a petrol engine and unusual spec (for the UK), I got a lot of information from US blogs and mailing lists. I created the blog to document some of my modifications and give a bit back to the community that helped me.